
The UF community includes all students, staff, faculty and external stakeholders. UFIT is committed to engaging with the university community to provide the services required of a leading public research institution.

UFIT is engaged in ongoing efforts that focuses on participation and communication with the UF community.

How Do I Participate in Governance for UFIT?

Any member of the community is welcome to bring issues and ideas to the unit and/or advisory workgroup individually or through your Campus IT Directors representative. The links below can be used to send an email to the advisory workgroup chairs for discussion by the workgroup. Questions, suggestions, or input sent to your Campus IT Director will be forwarded to the appropriate advisory workgroup chair or UFIT administrator.

How Do I Stay Informed About UFIT?

Consider talking directly to any of the members of the topical committees.

There are several channels to choose from to stay informed about UFIT:


Partial List of UFIT Listservs